Monday, 29 August 2016

Miniature turtles

Hey guys, here are the turtles I will be using for my miniature terrarium.

I started by rolling out a ball of clay to the desired size. I inserted a head pin and cut down to size. I use a tiny bit of liquid clay just to add strength.

I pre-baked at the same temperature as the package requests, but at half the time, making the clay a little harder to be able to sculpt on. Next I added clay around the pins for the head. I inserted pre-baked black balls for the eyes, and using a needle tool, added some texture to look like leathery skin.

Then I rolled out a snake, flattened it a little, and added pieces for the front legs. I added texture using a needle tool again. Then pre-baked.

After pre-baking and while the turtles were half cool, I added a small flattened ball to the back to build up more height for the shell.

For the shell I rolled out a thin sheet of clay and cut out a shape to match my turtles. I textured with a tooth brush then added scales with a fine ball tool. I also make tiny creases on each scale with a needle tool then pre-baked.

After pre-baking and once the turtles were cool, I added a small snake to the bottom to fill out the flattened areas as a result of baking on a flat surface. This is purely optional. Then you guessed it...bake again  =) This time for the full amount of time as per the recommended time.

Once the turtles have baked and cooled completely i began to add colour using citadel model paint. It's basically just fancy and expensive acrylic paint haha. However it should minimise color resin.

Using yellow  I bled the watered down acrylic paint into the creases and then shaded each scale with burnt sienna. Then going over the edges of each scale with a darker shade. They kind of look like a leopard!

Using the same technique I shaded in the feet and head. I chose to make my turtles a little darker because they will be encased in resin.

Hope you enjoy =)

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